RAUH-Welt Begriff. Perth, Australia

RAUH-Welt Begriff…synonymous with outlandishly styled 911’s created from the imagination of Porsche tuner Akira Nakai from Japan.

For those wondering, RAUH-Welt translates to “Rough World” and each 911 kit is a personal expression of Akira Nakai. He will also personally fit and transform each project.

Love them or hate them…they cannot be ignored and we were lucky enough to see 2 prime examples built right here in Perth by KTEC and RWB.

The night began with the 2 fresh builds arriving in convoy at the iconic Grand Cygnet Cinema in Como for the movie premier of “RAUH-Welt. From Life After Birth to 12 Hours of Racing”.

Simply put…the movie was amazing featuring the journey of Australia’s first RWB named ‘So-Cro’(Southern Cross) owned by Chern. 

The high production value and the cinematography was sublime and perfectly executed and it was a privilege to be amongst fellow car nuts in an art-deco movie theater.

The night ended with great conversations, parma & pints and an Audi on launch control;)